
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Gospel of Eden Part II: God in the Garden

Note: Be sure to read part one first.

The gospel begins with God.  Faith presupposes Christ, the work of Christ is necessitated by man’s sin, and man’s sin is defined by God’s holy character.  The context and backdrop of the entire gospel is therefore God Himself.  Our study of the gospel of Eden must therefore begin with God.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Why Do I Exist?

I loved this week's episode of Theology Matters (the video podcast of the Midwest Center for Theological Studies) with Dr. Sam Waldron.  Take a few minutes to watch and consider the the force that this sort of biblical reasoning has to both strengthen your faith and equip you to engage others with the transcendent realities of life in God's world.

tm_011612 from MCTS on Vimeo.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Reformed Baptist Seminary 2012 Pastoral Theology Module: Reflections

From January 23-27, Reformed Baptist Seminary hosted a module class on Pastoral Theology in Greenville, SC.  The RBS syllabus describes the course as

A systematic and practical study regarding the nature and methodologies of pastoral ministry in the church.  Includes an analysis of the pastor's role as leader, administrator, shepherd, counselor, and trainer, as well as his relationship to his fellow-elders, deacons, and other church staff.
There are other available courses in the RBS catalog which deal more extensively with specific matters of pastoral ministry such as counseling and preaching.  Pastoral Theology is like the skeleton which unites the larger body of a practical ministerial education in that it provides shape and form and is connected to all the other sundry emphases which make for a well rounded Shepherd of the flock of God.

I was privileged to be in attendance and would like to offer some brief reflections.